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Douglas Kelaher, Warren Olds, Sriwhana Spong
27. september-11.Oktober 2003, geöffnet Do, Fr, Sa 16-19 h
Eröffnung am Freitag, 26. September 2003, 20 h
CAPRI, Brunnenstrasse 149, 10115 Berlin, Germany

Final part of the project, following exhibitions in Auckland and Hamilton (New Zealand), facilitated by David Hatcher, Jonathan Bywater and CAPRI in association with the Goethe Institut Wellington (New Zealand).

On 26 September the Berlin part of Flache Welt opens in CAPRI with the New Zealand based artists Douglas Kelaher, Warren Olds und Sriwhana Spong. Douglas Kelaher’s work is the result of an enchanted transformation from the flat to the sculptural – an incantation of the real from an idea, from the blank possibility of the page to a 3D form. Miniature green mountains attest to the productive optimism of repetitive attempts to generate something of substance – here constructed from the debris of those discarded trial runs. Warren Olds probes the relationship between the conquest of virtual spaces and the conceptual apparatus accompanying this endeavour in military, colonial and gaming paradigms. In his work for CAPRI he examines new visual hierarchies arising from the spatiotemporal abstraction brought on by networked environments. Sriwhana Spong works with the video camera as a touristic instrument. In Flache Welt she shows videos that combine starkly contrasting cultural topographies: they record visual and musical clichés that have traveled great representative distances before reaching her as working material.
The images, objects and videos by Douglas Kelaher, Warren Olds und Sriwhana Spong are installed in close proximity in the spaces of CAPRI. In addition, further information on the project and documentation of the preceeding exhibitions in New Zealand are on view.

Flache Welt is generously supported by the Goethe Institut Inter Nationes Wellington, and rm103 is generously supported by Creative New Zealand.


Warren Olds  
Douglas Kelaher, Videos of Sriwhana Spong